Our Mission
We provide the highest quality level of search work possible with a total commitment to customer service. Integrity and client teamwork are our assets. Quality and speed are our drivers. Referencing is our foundation. Perseverance and tenacity are our traits.
Great Leadership Teams are the Foundation of a Company’s Success
Our clients trust us to understand the industry, functional and cultural aspects of a leadership position to make a perfect match. Our clients value us for the following:
“Ted, We just sold for a premium valuation! Thank you for selecting me for your candidate slate. A great recruiter does not just find a strong CFO, they find the right CFO. You predicted an excellent fit and it worked out perfectly!” Nick P
Access to the Stars
We know how to access, attract and recruit stars. Our database consists of star “A” players with proven track records.
We informally reference all candidates before they are presented. It is a difficult but critical part of our process that distinguishes us from other firms. Our goal is to ensure time is spent interviewing only exceptional candidates, so the key interviewing determinants are personal chemistry and fit.
Quality and Speed
Martin Partners is dedicated to quality and speed. We believe one without the other leaves a dissatisfied client. Our goal is to present four candidates within four weeks, and to solve every search within 12 weeks; our record to date is the recruitment of a President in 8 days.
Creative Solution Provider
Our innovative services and entrepreneurial team of recruiters allow us to creatively solve searches more effectively than our competition. We are constantly brainstorming and sharing ideas so our clients benefit from our market knowledge. We apply a combination of tenacity, perseverance, work ethic, and creativity to all of our clients’ search needs.
Big Fish, Small Pond
Every client is very important to us and we want each client to feel like they are our only client. We do not have any associates or junior recruiters working for the firm. We only have partners who work directly with our clients throughout the search process.
The key to working effectively with each client is open communication. This ensures a constant dialogue as the search progresses and prevents any surprises on either end. Constant communication is the foundation of our recruiting.
85% of our work is repeat business.